Best known for it’s road racing, McNamara Park’s first competitive event occurred on this day September 13 1953 – 70 years ago. It was a Scramble on “the new half mile track” which used part of the planned road race circuit. that Frank McNamara had roughed- out with his General Stuart tank fitted with a dozer blade. According to The Border Watch a large crowd attended, witnessing 3 local riders, Alec Campbell, Ron Hellyer and Bruce Fox take 2 wins each. Alec Campbell “was the outstanding rider of the day.
First post for a long time! Some good news, went to Noela Hellyer's 100th Birthday party on Xmas Day. Noela was the first Lady Member of the MGMCC & LCC and is doing well. She now lives in St Mary's Boandik Lodge, Mt Gambier. Second good news! The Mount Gambier...