by Colin Thompson | Mar 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
G’day! Well, some bad news, then some good news! Dear Harry Vause, one of the very early Mt Gambier Motor Cycle & Light Car Club members and the only remaining person to have walked with Laurie, Maurie & Frank over the scrub block now Mac Park has been...
by Colin Thompson | Feb 26, 2023 | Uncategorized
Today marks the birthday of a remarkable man, the late Basil Coombe. Basil and Joan, with children Jim, Pat and Frank moved to Mount Gambier in 1956 (Judy was born here later) and this proved to a stroke of luck for the Mount Gambier Motor Cycle & Light Car...
by Colin Thompson | Feb 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
Local lads were pretty good at building “specials” and this is a very pretty 350cc Ariel engined Royal Enfield built by the late Graham McPherson. I believe Duncan Morrison may have been the last to ride it at Mac Park, but am open to correction. I badly...
by Colin Thompson | Feb 21, 2023 | Uncategorized
Great weekend coming up for Mac Park, our great local road race circuit, with one of the features being the annual Laurie Fox Memorial Classic Master of Mac Park for sidecars. March 3 to 5 will see an exciting weekend of sidecars and solo races, with around 20...
by Colin Thompson | Feb 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
Saw Mr George Turnbull out walking last evening – he is out walking most days really, but this time I stopped to chat with him. George is the oldest living ex rider from the Buck’s Hill Scramble days and will turn 98 in July this year. Walking (with a...
by Colin Thompson | Jan 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
With all the electronic set up for our newspapers etc it is interesting to look back and see how our papers were set up in the 50s etc when they used lead blocks for illustrations. In a pile of Ariel parts I bought years ago I found this lead block used in an...