Potholes and paddocks to the “Park” – Media
ABC South East Article promoting the Charity Fundraising presentation on June 15 2016
Skimming the ground and clinging white-knuckled onto a skinny strap, being the passenger on board a motorcycle sidecar going like the clappers does not look like the world’s safest ride. But in the 1950s and 60s, sidecar racing in the south-east of South Australia was all about the guts and glory.
Delving into Mount Gambier’s early years of motorcycling history, former sidecar racer and historian Colin Thompson said the sport was a finely tuned balancing act between rider and passenger.
Potholes, Paddock to Park, a history of Mount Gambier’s motorcycle history from 1902 to 1962, will be held on June 15 at Mount Gambier’s City Band Hall.
Link to the original article on the ABC Website
Colin Thompson has done several similar Charity Fundraising events for organisations such as Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, Queensland Flood Relief, Movember, RFDS and Cancer SA. One is being planned to assist Lifeline. Check out this site for future events.
Mount Gambier Library Poster promoting the launch of Volume 1.
Join us for our Local Author Event with Colin Thompson as he launches “Potholes and Paddocks to the Park”
Tuesday 6th September @ 7pm
Mount Gambier Library
Motorcycling memories, madness, mud and Mac Park!
A piece of local history.
Free community event – registration required for catering purposes
Click on the image for a full size poster
City of Mt Gambier Library article promoting the Book Launch for Volume 2.
Local historian and motorcycling enthusiast Colin Thompson will launch his latest book ‘Potholes and Paddocks to the Park – Volume 2: Jan 1950 – Jan 1963’ at City Hall on Wednesday 4 December 2019 at 7:00pm. Volume 2 continues the history of motorcycle racing in the South East from 1950 to 1963 including the establishment of the McNamara Park circuit near Mount Gambier and provides insight into social and commercial aspects of life in the 1950’s and 60’s.

Border Watch article promoting the Book Launch for Volume 2.
“THE STORY behind disused Limestone quarry pits and virgin scrub now known as McNamara Park has been outlined in hardcover by historian Colin Thompson.
After three years since his debut novel was launched, Mr Thompson will release his latest book Potholes and Paddocks to the Park – Volume 2: Jan 1950 – Jan 1963 at the Mount Gambier Library tonight.”

Mount Gambier Library Facebook Promo for Volume 2.
Any idea who these guys are??
Mount Gambier Library Poster promoting the launch of Volume 2.
Colin Thompson returns with the second volume of Potholes and Paddocks to the Park – Jan 1950 – Jan 1963.
You’re sure to know a face or two in his book with over 300 pictures and stories from past & surviving members.
Last event we had over 140 people attend. What a night it was!
Click on the image for a full size poster
Reviews and Feedback
Potholes and paddocks to the “Park” Facebook Page
“All the families whose relatives were involved now have a great history of their loved family members; those people interested in life around motorcycling from early 1900s in the Mount Gambier & districts up until road racing at the track, will all enjoy these great books, thoroughly researched by the author”. (Mavis Thompson)
“Outstanding early motorcycle history of Mt Gambier & surrounds”. (Shiree Telford)
“Hi, Colin, I’ve just finished reading your book which I enjoyed immensely; lots of facts and photos and you obviously did extensive research. Huge respect for those guys and gals with their hard work and obvious patience, along with leading almost normal lives at the same time. I’d like to see a third book (if you could handle it) although I’d think Volume 2 would remain the definitive issue. Happy New Year to you and Mavis!” Thumbs Up, Trevor Henderson.
Received your book last week, thanks. Finished reading it last night. Really enjoyed it; one small snapshot of social history, that allows a better understanding and perspective on how things worked before the war. Thanks very much. John Ferguson (Research Engineers Pty Ltd)
Got your card and with it the BOOK. Real good reading and that is only from the first glance. A great Credit to you. Arthur Hodgkins, Stillwell, Ascot, England
I treated myself to a rest day and finished your book. A most enjoyable read. I thought to myself of the years of research this has taken and I read it in a few hours. Les Thomas, Australasian Levis Register, Melbourne
Fabulous that you have been receiving such great feedback on your book. We too have had lots of great feedback from regular customers and those that attended the night. Kristi Learmey, Mount Gambier Library Events Co-ordinator
How many books have you sold now? I hope it has all gone well because it is certainly worth the read – I have enjoyed it a lot. Lara Scott, Millicent