by Colin R Thompson | Dec 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
G’day! When I was writing my books on our motorcycle history I often came across the name Owen Land. By all accounts, verbal and written, Owen was a real character. I recounted in Volume 2 of Potholes a good story of Owen being pursued by an officer of the law...
by Colin R Thompson | Dec 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
There are only a very few of what I respectfully call the “Grand old Dames” of motorcycling in this area still with us today and one of them is Noela Hellyer. Noela was the first lady member of the Mount Gambier Motor Cycle & Light Car Club and was...
by Colin R Thompson | Dec 26, 2022 | Uncategorized
The new Blog facility is currently being tested and hopefully will be fully operational in a day or so. This will enable me to regularly share new content, plus featured older content, on a regular basis. As well as interesting items and photos from the “Potholes and...